Art will feed itself

Life-long creative. I have one goal in life and that is to live from my creative endeavours. That's what my motto 'Art will feed itself' means.

Art will feed itself

Posted by Norman Bailey on Monday, September 9, 2013 Under: Personal
The only way to fly

Art will feed itself. This is my personal motto.  I have a few aims, codes of conduct and guiding principals.  They are, for the most part, free flowing and changeable.  But they do revolve around one central premise: to live by my creative endeavour.  

I describe myself as a life-long creative.  Quite often when I say this people ask, creative what.  But what I simply mean is that I like to live by creative endeavours.

This doesn't mean art for art sake - although I have lived that lifestyle. But having lived it I know it isn't sustainable.  Each time I've done this I'm soon run into debt, which meant I could no longer pursue my passion,  It's also meant that I have been in danger on many occasions of losing my home and belongings.  But worst than that it's meant that in order to keep a roof over my head I've had to take money jobs which have had nothing to do with the life I'd like to live.  Not good.

So to where I am now, where I have a new set of circumstances, new opportunities and new challenges.  Non-creative matters have been laid aside  and the fully art sustained life takes shape.   This for a creative individual is the only way to live.

In : Personal 

Tags: art  freedom  expression